The show, The Simpson had an enormous effect on the American English. Do you want to know why? Because there are so many invented words and expression that is used in the show that is now in the dictionary. The most familiar word that is used in the show and is now defined in the dictionary is the word "D'oh". This is an expression used when he/ she realizes or said something stupid.
As I search for more articles about the Simpsons and its effect on the American English, I found an article by Denise Du Vernay entitled ""D'oh!" and more: The Simpsons and its Effect on American English"
The article talks about the neologism of the show. That how thankful we are for the show because of so many words that is now used today and can be found in the dictionary. There are also words like "Woohoo" which is used as a hastag on twitter to mark post with a happy message and "meh" which means so-so.
There are also words that is now very familiar but are not yet included in the dictionary. Example of this words are "Embiggen" which means to make or become bigger and "cromulent" which means fine, acceptable, legitimate. These two words are used in the episode "Lisa the Iconoclast".
There are also words that are coined through blending. Example of this words are "craptular" which is a blend of crap and spectacular from the episode "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace", "Euroific" which is a blend of European and Terrific from the episode "Bart Carny". We also have the word "traumedies" which is a blend of trauma and comedy from the episode "Faith Off" and the word "retirony" which a blend of retirement and irony from the episode "Homer vs Dignity".
After reading this article, I realized that the show plays a big part for those Linguists. The show just want to create words that are humorous and now it can be found in the dictionary. How great the show is, Isn't it?
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